NBC Administration

Mr. Patrick Ningen
"Educators create learning opportunities for studenets. This can only be done if educators continue to be studens themselves."
Career: 25 years in education, with 16 as an administrator and 7 as a superintendent.
BSed from Wayne State College MSEd from Chadron State College Eds from Wayne State College
About Me:
Class of '93 graduate of O'Neill Public Schools Family: Wife, Laurie; Children, Justin, Ella, and Chloa

Mrs. Tessie Beaver
Elementary Principal
"It is a privilege to serve the North Bend Central community as the elementary principal. At North Bend Central Elementary we provide outstanding learning opportunities that allow students to shine!"
24 years in education and my 10th year as the elementary principal at NBCE.
Bachelors: Elementary and Special Education; Nebraska Wesleyan University Master: Educational Leadership; Doane University
About Me:
Hometown: Lincoln, NE Family: Husband- Josh, Children- Kellen, Ellie and Grady

Mrs. Brenda Petersen
Middle School/ High School Principal
"There is something very inspiring about watching the transformation of a student from when they walk in the door as a 6th grade student until they walk across the stage as a young adult heading out to conquer the world. I truly enjoy watching and assisting in their journey!
Started teaching Social Sciences at NBC
Assistant Principal/Curriculum Coordinator at Schuyler Community Schools
MS/HS Principal at North Bend Central
Bachelors Degree from Midland Lutheran College
Leadership and Adminsitration Degree From Doane College
Assessment endorsement from UNL Specialist Degree from Wayne State College
Educational Specialist Degree from Wayne State College.
About Me: Born and raised in West Point, NE. Husband- Schawn, Children - Mason, Resse and Jaxon.