NBC boys win the NBC holiday basketball tournament! Great job guys!

Apply today to join the NBC Team!

NBC Holiday Basketball Tournament starts tonight! Come out to support the Tigers!

NBC's Holiday Tournament Bracket is now available! Come support the Tigers!

Good luck tonight boys!

The first graders went on a hunt for the gingerbread man to conclude their gingerbread study this week. We had so much fun!!

5th graders presented their rainforest dioramas and stories yesterday. They did a great job! They're proud of their hard work!

The NBC 6th and 7th graders will host the NBC Wax Museum on Thursday, March 7 from 7-8pm. Save the date (and your coins and bills!) to bring the figures to life.
MS parents: more information will be coming home (and your inbox) in early Jan. regarding this project and event.

NBC is looking for more teacher subs! Get certified today and start earning money soon!

Winter Activity posters are in! Stop by the NBC office to pick one up for $5.

Middle schoolers (6th and 7th grade) will head to the movies on Wednesday afternoon!

THANK YOU to the students and staff who donated to the Blessings Food Pantry. The elementary, HS and MS students and staff donated an item on Friday and then they got to wear a hat at school. We donated 12 full boxes of items!

The NBC Dance Team Tiger Cub Dance Camp had 67 dancers attend with a special visit from Santa!

There is still time to take the NBC community needs survey! Go onto NBTIGERS.ORG to find the link to the survey. Thank you for taking the time to help improve our district.

January 4, 2024 -- Students get in FREE to the NBC Basketball game that night! Students age 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Tune into NBC basketball tonight with our new commentators!

Statistics Class hit the "green" to determine if anchored putting is actually an advantage over traditional putting. Seniors had to create and conduct an experiment to compile data and determine if the stats say that anchored putting truly is beneficial.

Apply today for the MS/HS Kitchen position on NBTIGERS.ORG!

NBC STEAM held their December challenge, creating paper airplanes (Santa's sleigh) that could hold a Christmas Treat (a peppermint) and delivering them to the different continents across the world (the hula hoops and gift bags). Students were asked to make paper airplanes that were made for accuracy and the airplanes that landed closest to the bag won! 5th graders also came and joined in the fun and made their own airplanes as well!