Join us this coming Tuesday for free admission for all NBC students!
National Weather Service (NWS) informed NBC 5th graders about weather safety, how tornadoes form/categorized, and how NWS uses the data from their weather balloon. NWS is dedicated to public safety, issuing alerts and forecasts to help communities prepare for severe weather events
Hope you had a nice break!
Apply today to join the NBC team!
Please share to help get the word out about these positions. Thank you!
Come check out the NBC basketball teams Tuesday, January 14, and all NBC students can enjoy free admission.
Welcome back, Mr. Ladehoff!
Happy New Years, Tiger Country!
The NBC Holiday Basketball tournament is coming up! Make plans to join us this weekend and cheer on the tigers!
NBC - Be safe, get healthy, and enjoy the break!
Order your NBC Speech Team gear online today! The store closes on Friday Dec. 20, 2024.
The NBC Middle School & High School choir spread holiday cheer during Singing Sunday to local churches.
Check out the latest from the NBC Foundation!
The Snowball Dance for tonight is still on as scheduled! So, NBC students get those dancing shoes on and we will see you at 8!
**Schedule Update**
Due to current and expected forecast during the core travel time for the NBC Wrestling Invite - the NBC Invitational is cancelled.
**Schedule Update*** At this time, the NBC Wrestling Invitational will be pushed back with a start time of 12:30 p.m.
We are going to make a final call at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning if any additional changes will be made to the day.
Invite workers, please move your report time 3 hours later. Please help get the word out about this change.
Due to potential weather issues this evening Wahoo Neumann has informed us they will
not have evening events. The Jr-Hi boys basketball game has been cancelled and a
possible make-up date will be explored.
Join the Post Prom Committee tonight for their Sloppy Joe Fundraiser at NBC Tiger Arena!
NBCPS would like to thank Francis Emanuel for his 12 years of dedicated service to the district. Monday's meeting was the last of his third and final term. Thanks, Francis, for all of your time and commitment!
NBC STEAM club members competed in a mini-golf challenge this month. Their goal was to create a mini-golf hole with a winter/Christmas theme.
Thank you for your help to make this awesome donation from NBC!