The East Husker Conference basketball tournament brackets are out! The girls team kick things off at home this Friday (1/31) at 7:30 pm vs. Tekamah-Herman. The boys team will head to Bancroft on Saturday (2/1) for a game at 6 pm vs. Wisner-Pilger.
19 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Boys Bracket
Girls bracket
Submit a bid today!
19 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Submit a bid today!
22 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Tune in to WOWT's 4:00 newscast today to see the epic Buzzer Beater shot from Tuesday's girls game!
23 days ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
Congratulations to the NBC students who qualified for All-State Band!
25 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
All State Band
NBC staff would like to spotlight the following students for being awesome: Lauren S, Lindsey E, and Philip S.
25 days ago, Aubrey Miller
Lauren S
Philip S
Lindsey E
Due to recently being placed in an Extreme Cold Warning through tomorrow morning, North Bend Central Public Schools will have a late-start tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Students need to arrive by 10:30 am. Buses will run accordingly. No morning practices. No preschool. No breakfast will be served. Please dress appropriately!
26 days ago, Patrick Ningen
There will be a fundraiser at the NBC vs. Bergan basketball game tomorrow for NBC alum, Amber (Powers) Cherny. Come early for the games starting at 1:30 at Bergan and food starting to be served at 3 pm.
29 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Amber Fundraiser
Watch the 3rd - 5th Grade Winter Concert here!
about 1 month ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
Watch the Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Winter Concert here!
about 1 month ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
Thank you to Ms. Roberts, all elementary teachers and staff for helping organize the elementary concert yesterday! The kids all did great!
about 1 month ago, Whitney Armstrong
**Updated date for the first prom work nights due to a scheduling conflict** We encourage juniors to attend as many as they can and be a part of this fun experience with their classmates. Questions? Contact Ms. Morgan or Mrs. Gaughen.
about 1 month ago, Whitney Armstrong
Prom Work Nights
The January 13th NBC Board Meeting has been posted to YouTube:
about 1 month ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
Working on a fix for the Basketball Live stream. Hope to have it up soon! Sorry for the inconvenience!
about 1 month ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
Free admission tonight for NBC Students! Come cheer on the tigers!
about 1 month ago, Whitney Armstrong
Free Admission
2024-2025 Winter Sports Schedule Posters are now available!
about 1 month ago, Whitney Armstrong
Winter sports schedule
Support the NBC National Honor Society raise money tonight and place a bid on some amazing gift baskets!
about 1 month ago, Whitney Armstrong
Silent Auction
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but due to some technical difficulties, the Board of Education meeting will not be streamed live tonight. A recording is being taken and will be uploaded and posted this evening after the meeting.
about 1 month ago, Gabby Schwanebeck
The NBC staff would like to spotlight the following students: Natalie M, Jaxon T, and Preston S Way to represent NBC!
about 1 month ago, Aubrey Miller
Natalie M
Jaxon T
Preston S
Join us this coming Tuesday for free admission for all NBC students!
about 1 month ago, Whitney Armstrong
Free Admission