Congrats to the boy state wrestling qualifiers! Get your NBC state wrestling shirts ordered now! The store will close Monday, Feb. 17, at 9 am. Follow the link to order now:
about 1 hour ago, Whitney Armstrong
State Wrestling Gear
The MathCounts competition scheduled for today has been postponed due to weather. Further information will be posted when available.
about 12 hours ago, Patrick Ningen
The speech meet in Mead has been cancelled for today, due to the weather.
about 15 hours ago, Patrick Ningen
Last night, the NBC Pep Band was joined by the 7th grade band members to get a preview of the fun ahead next year as full time pep band members! They all sounded great!
1 day ago, Whitney Armstrong
NBC Pep Band
Today's NBC coach spotlight is on Coach Sterup!
2 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Aaron Sterup
The girls basketball subdistrict basketball bracket is out! NBC will be hosting all the games next week. Good luck, Tigers!
2 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Due to tomorrow's forecasted bitter cold, North Bend Central will have a late-start, Thursday, February 13, 2025. Students need to arrive by 10:30 am. Buses will run accordingly. No morning practices. No preschool. No breakfast will be served. Please dress appropriately!
3 days ago, Patrick Ningen
Parent Teacher Conferences have been rescheduled! Please note new date.
3 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
PT Conf
Today's NBC coach spotlight is on Coach Schmidt!
3 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Due to poor travel conditions predicted for tomorrow, North Bend Central Public Schools will be closed, Wednesday, February 12, 2025. The Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled for tomorrow will be moved to February 26th. Stay safe, Tigers!
4 days ago, Patrick Ningen
Today's NBC coach spotlight is on Coach Armstrong!
4 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
NBC state wrestling shirts are ready to order! The back of the shirts will be finalized after boys districts on Saturday. Store will close Monday, Feb. 17, at 9 am. Follow the link to order now:
4 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
State Wrestling Gear
NBC Fans - Please note schedule changes for tonights basketball games at Tekamah-Herman. Also, they are doing a food drive tonight at the game. If fans bring 2 cans per person, they don't have to pay admission.
4 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
schedule change
Today's NBC coach spotlight is on Coach Meyer!
5 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Congratulations to NBC Junior Pyper D for qualifying for Girls State Wrestling next week!
5 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Girls State Qualifier
The NBC Bowlers were escorted out of town today on their way to state bowling! Good luck!
6 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
State Bowling
NBC Staff would like to spotlight the following students: Jonah V, Reese P, and Jaden M
6 days ago, Aubrey Miller
Jonah V
Reese P
Jaden M
Reminder: Tomorrow is the last day to pay for your valentine order! Don't forget to send money if you haven't yet.
6 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Thank you to the NBC PTA for a fabulous night of dancing and fun at the Daddy Daughter Dance!
7 days ago, Tessie Beaver
Elementary students at the daddy daughter dance.
Save the dates for NBC parent teacher conferences coming up!
8 days ago, Whitney Armstrong
Parent Teacher Conf